Four weeks and three days ago my little Reese Matthew Bailey arrived a little before we expected. It was Sunday, Feb. 26th and I was scheduled to enter the hospital at 5pm that day. I was 39 weeks pregnant with the fifth and since I had not dilated or effaced any (which was very unusual for me being the 5th pregnancy and the fact that I was very active, having just moved and my youngest just turning a year old) the Dr. was going to do a simple procedure that would dilate me to about 2cm the next morning and then they would start the induction.
I entered the hospital at 5pm and they got me registered and set up in my room. They put my IV port in and because Reese was being a little sluggish they decided to go ahead and start up some IV fluids, thinking I was a little dehydrated. The Dr. arrived around 7pm and he came in to do the fairly routine procedure. He got started and a little more than 5 min. into it he started seeing an unexpected result. I was bleeding, and there should not have been any bleeding. In his 30 years of doing this procedure this has only happened one other time. He waited to see if the bleeding was going to stop, while closely monitoring me and the baby. My blood pressure begin to drop pretty significantly and the bleeding didn't stop and so the Dr. made to decision to do an emergency c-section. Your read that right and if you follow my blog you would note that this is the 2nd emergency c-section just one year apart. My heart sank, this is not what we planned for. After all I have four kids at home and my youngest was only one year old. I have far to much on my plate to have a c-section. Lord, why? why was this happening.
Matt started praying over me as he is holding the heart rate monitor on my stomach so they can keep track of Reese's heart rate. There are nurses everywhere in the room, prepping me for surgery very quickly. I tell Matt through my tears that he needs to call my Mom and Pastor Tim so they could get the word out. It all happened so fast, and at 7:40pm I hear my baby Reese cry for the first time. He was okay, I was okay but I was worried about my recovery. I had such a very hard recovery after my last c-section.
Everything happens for a reason. They still are not sure where the bleeding was coming from but I am convinced that it was for my good. Had I gone into labor at home and started bleeding like that, well I may not be here typing this today or I might not have my precious Reese. I was in a controlled situation, I had my Dr. right there, the nurses right there and already had one bag of fluid and was on my second when the started surgery. But the story doesn't end there. It could and the fact that both of us were okay would be enough, God would still get the glory but it doesn't end here.
From the moment they finished the surgery there was a definite difference than my last c-section. I wasn't in as much pain and the next day when they went to get me out of bed, I was able to without as much assistance. Three days later I went home and was able to climb the stairs up to my bedroom in our townhouse. Two weeks later I was able to go back to Harvest Church and be with my friends and family as we worship the Lord together. Three weeks later I was able to drive, go grocery shopping and pick up my one year old son who is a big one year old I might add. My pain has been minimal and my God has been so very gracious to me. I give God all the glory for my quick recovery. So when you are in a situation and worry starts to set in, just remember that God already knows the outcome, and He is in control. He has every detail in His hands and He loves you so much. This is my testimony, this is how great my God, my Jesus is. I pray that this encourages you today.